"EmpowerFULL" (FuqiPLOTË in Albanian) is a socio-economic empowerment model which assists in the economic reintegration process of survivors of human trafficking through capacity building training sessions and provision of sustainable employment opportunities.

EmpowerFULL's mission is to economically empower survivors of human trafficking in Albania by providing the tools to strengthen their skills and the means to become financially independent.
Three Main Pillars of EmpowerFULL
Personal development: Personal development training provided by experts from EmpowerFULL and vocational training opportunities.
Engagement: Facilitates the process of engagement and cooperation of survivors with the local community by providing to survivors diverse opportunities for training, active involvement and community-based activities.
Employment: Survivors of human trafficking independent from social assistance benefits and non-state support. Instead, they can identify and access resources and employment, increase their income and strengthen their position in the community.
What might happen after escape?
Victims of human trafficking are faced with limited resources to support their rehabilitation and reintegration process, as well as with weak protection from the government, and limited employment opportunities. They need tailored economic empowerment opportunities to assist in their reintegration process and prevent the risk of re-traficking.
3-phase process
First phase
Participants take place in a two-month intensive training program on personal and career development delivered by EmpowerFULL. The programme includes sessions on soft skills, assertiveness, self-esteem, and skills exploration, setting boundaries, visualisation, and creating new habits by challenging the “victim narrative”.
Second phase
After the successful completion of the first phase, participants are supported to attend vocational training courses based on the skills and aspirations they have identified during the first phase of the program, and to buy tools that will support their professional development process.
Third phase
Paid internship opportunities are provided to participants based on the skills and certification of the participants. Also, networking sessions with successful enterprises are organised to strengthen the opportunities for sustainable employment in the long term.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed. It is the only thing that ever has.”
– Margaret Mead