Using technology in the fight against #humantrafficking

In this post, we are presenting some initiatives, which use technology in the fight against #humantrafficking

  • Liberty Asia – a cloud-based victim case management system and data collection app that allows sharing information, expertise, data, and best practices with anti-trafficking stakeholders;
  • Polaris has a customised case tracking system that collects information from both survivors and service providers when they get in contact with NGOs, by improving service provision;
  • Tech Against Trafficking has mapped more than 260 technology tools. Nearly half focuses specifically on labor trafficking, 18 percent targets sex trafficking, and the rest on other trafficking types such as child labor exploitation and organ trafficking;
  • The STOP App, reports by attaching up to three photos and one video. After submitting these images, users are prompted to fill out three brief forms describing who they observed, where they observed, and what they observed;
  • Truckers Against Trafficking (TAT) has an app that describes red flags to watch for in people who might be under another person’s control.

Have you heard of any other similar initiatives? Let us know in the comment section 👇

#endhumantrafficking #humantrafficking #humantraffickingawareness #awarenessraising #wednesdaywisdom

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